Monday, January 24, 2011

What's inside

Today was not an easy day, yet an important day. I awoke with my heart in my throat knowing that this day could change my life. I fixed my breakfast, took my shower, laid out my clothes and waited. As I did so, I tried to use something else to take my mind from the events unfolding. Therefore, I went into my morning ritual, of Bible study, catching up on unfinished homework and email. As time drew near, I dressed and left for my morning appointment, all the while knowing the peace I had known was faltering. Still I proceeded on to the task at hand arriving early, and pacing the floor. As the other parties began to arrive, the feeling of doom became more persistent, until I could no longer tolerate the theft of my serenity and I rebuked that which was trying to torment me. It did not just pack up and leave, I had to repeat this rebuke several times, until finally after my appointment I stopped to wonder down the aisles of inspiration. You never know where you may find inspiration, or as some like me might see it, a word from God to build us up when we need it. Today was a small victory very small, yet victory is victory, and if looked at from another view can be seen as a much larger victory. I know very few of you know the story or exactly what I’m talking about, yet somehow relate none the less. Today, I relied upon God to defeat my fear and doubt, to keep them from stealing my peace and joy, which was the larger victory. After that, I came upon these words of wisdom:

It is not what is in your past.
It is not what is in your future.
It is what you have inside of you.
That makes you, who you are!

I do not know the author of that powerful statement; I thank him or her for writing it and sharing it with those who find need of it. Still, more than anything I thank God for bracing me against the darkness, asking me to stand even when I cannot do so on my own, bestowing ability upon others, to give encouragement and strength, when needed. Today I was not strong enough on my own, today I needed those words to remind me that Christ lives in me, and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With my peace returned, my joy safely tucked away to be shared at the appropriate time, I can now evaluate the small victory and see it as one more step towards the defeat of those who would steal my peace, my joy, promised me, by my King. Praise be to God for His glory forever! Amen!