Monday, January 17, 2011

Have you lived today? If you were gone tomorrow, have you lived today?

Rats in a maze

Rats in a maze
Make haste make haste
Such waste such waste
I’m late I’m late
Time escapes it escapes
Such waste such waste
From bed we race
We run we run
No, fun no fun
Till done till done
At the end
Is where we began
Time escapes it escapes
Such waste such waste
Have you lived today?
Are you a rat in a maze?

Lived spend your life in a particular way or under particular circumstances enjoy life to the fullest

These are just two of the definitions of what it means to have lived. So, can you honestly look back and answer this question? There is a song I love called “Line Between the Two” by Mark Harris. I love it because it makes you stop and think. The first verse grabs your attention:

A beginning and an ending, dates upon a stone
But the moment in the middle is how we will be known
Cause what defines us can be found within a line
Finding reason for our time

These words say so much, and you have to ask yourself, what defines me. Have I lived for a reason, for something more the taking up space, to exist, or have I wasted the time I was given? In my early years, I never anticipated living past the age of 25, so I never made plans for the future. I lived from moment to moment, day by day, one party to the next, one woman to the next, never really caring about anyone, but myself and not much of that either. Until one day, I was given a gift that scared the hell out of me. I met Jesus Christ, but I turned and ran as fast as I could the opposite direction. Oh, I tried at first, nevertheless I had so much anger in me, and I blamed Him for my pain. Yet He never quit on me, which is amazing considering how I was for all those years.

After years of running away from Him and myself, I finally came to a point I realized, I had ended up right where He knew I would be, all along. While I thought, I was running away, I was actually running to Him, and running from me well how vain is that. It was not until I reached full circle that I realized I had been searching for Him all along. It was in discovering who He is and growing in my walk with Him that I began to question my existence. This is why this song rings so loud in my ears, and the point of my original question.

To have lived, truly lived we all have purpose, a purpose that not only will give our life meaning, but also in Gods own way help out our fellow man. Finally, I now know my purpose; I understand how to fill that gap between the two dates on a stone. Though the second verse has strong meaning for those of us who long to live a good life, it is the third verse that brings it home:

I could live a life for just myself
Or I could live a life for someone else
But I’ll live and die just to hear You say
Well done my son come and be with Me

These words not only have power to stop you in your tracks, but the last line is something all Christians long to hear from our Lord. Still, you would like to know before that time; at least in your own heart, you have lived a life of meaning? The years fly by, time waits for no man, or as the Bible puts life is a vapor. This brings me to the chorus:

And the years go by, how they seem to fly
They’ll all be over soon
When our life is done, did we live and love
The way we wanted to
Cause everyday that we leave behind
Goes on to tell the truth
Of how we lived in the line between the two

Meaning and purpose begin outside of one’s self. Many things in life one can devote themselves to, yet none of them means anything unless they have two main ingredients, self-sacrifice and love. Which is the exact example Christ taught us, in order to live we must die to self. Have you lived today?