Monday, August 30, 2010

To begin with

     I grew up learning to love reading from an early age. I would spend hours lost in the world of cowboys, Indians, bandits and heroes. My dad passing down his love for author Louis L'Amour. His talents took me to places so vivid in my mind, I could actually smell the leather of a saddle, or mountain range on a wet day. I could hear the hoof falls of the horses and the screams of those in agony. I went on to read the entire set of encyclopedia Britannica, and the Dictionary though I did not retain as much as I wanted. This did however, stir a desire to dig deeper, to learn more about my world, and my inner self in particular.

     After moving to a new town in my senior year of high school. I met a teacher who would change my life and give me a love for writing. In her creative writing class, someone looked at me as if I may actually have something to contribute to this world. She encouraged my writing, and even helped me get involved with the “Savannah Reporter,” a local paper in the area. I spent many hours writing and arranging the layout for the paper. Though I have never went on to write as a professional, I have continued to write for my own enjoyment. I have written hundreds of songs and poems, though most of them do not make it to a keeper file. This skill has also helped me in creating my resume, cover letter, and mission statement for the job market.

     In 2006, while going through life changing experiences, I discovered I have a gift for sharing Gods Word and listening to others as they pour their hearts out. Hopefully, and prayerfully I have begun to pursue an education in Psychology, so that I may become a counselor and help those who hurt from life experiences. This has forced me to again, look inside myself and to God, at my own life experiences, and answer questions that have plagued me for years. I have also become a member on the Yahoo answer and questions board, answering questions from traveling, to questions about God. There are many topics one can go into and discover more about the world, religions, and everyday life. It has become a great pleasure for me to share Christ with others in this format. Anyone who would like to view my questions and answers can do so by becoming one of my contacts on yahoo.

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